
F.I.T.T.BYK based in New Bedford, MA founded by master trainer Kaitlyn Duarte. With the luxury of variety training at one location. Our master trainer has researched, traveled and brought members the amazing variety of aerobics, cycling, kickboxing, strength training, interval training, cross training, calisthenics, endurance training, weight loss programs, pilates, agility training, bungee, roller skating and creating HER OWN nationally accredited programs.

Not only do we excel in our fitness industry Kaitlyn is always continuing her education and has received her certifications in:

  • Personal Training

  • Recovery, Mobility ,Flexibility Specialist

  • Injury Prevention & Recovery Specialist

  • Nutritionist

  • Corrective Exercise Specialist

  • Master Body Contour

  • Transformation Specialist

Our amazing programs and sessions have now expanded to Kingston, MA. Please take a look at all of facilities as well as resident discounts for harbor walk location.


Kaitlyn Duarte, Founder, Master Trainer

Jennifer Caiano, Instructor

Marissa Lopes, Instructor

 Val Kollars, Instructor